Seborrhea - a pathological condition of the skin caused by increased milk production and changes in its composition due to a violation of neurological and neuroendocrine regulation of the mammary gland.
Excess testosterone (endocrine factor) causes increased secretion of the mammary gland, while various external and internal factors (stress, hormonal change, extreme change in weather especially cold, infectious, decreased epidermal barrier function) affect the regulation and control of the mammary gland and may cause the disease to erupt.
Inflammation develops in areas of skin where there is a proliferation of mammary glands - the center of the face is mainly the wings of the nose, around the mouth, above the eyebrows, scalp, and behind the ears.
Symptoms of the disease:
Stimulated and red skin, warm to the touch Dandruff on the skin accompanied by a feeling of discomfort and a desire to itch.
Many sufferers of the disease report relief of symptoms during the summer season alongside a marked worsening of cold and extreme dryness.
The process of appearance of the pathology on the skin:
Stress, hormonal changes, and extreme changes in the weather together with a damaged epidermal barrier, lead to overactivity of the mammary gland, the presence of various microorganisms leads to the breakdown of saturated fatty acids at a rapid rate, allowing soft fat to seep over the skin. The fats that dry up on the stratum corneum accelerate the irradiation process and cause a seal that heats (the feeling of burning) the tissue and increases a severe inflammatory response characterized by heat, itching and redness.
Treatment for seborrheic skin will be by using moisturizers with a light texture rich in antioxidants that help treat inflammation (vitamins A, C, D, E, K), amino acids that increase moisture and urea in a concentration that contributes to tissue fusion 5-7%.
In situations where the presence of a fungal factor is suspected alongside seborrhea, it is advisable to use tea tree oil in the cleanser.
What to avoid:
Think about avoiding the use of preparations that contain alcohol, perfume, color and any substance that causes the skin to dry out.
Alongside this, it is recommended to avoid aggressive procedures such as mechanical peels, acid peels, rubbing the skin with a towel and itching.